Closed Circuit Motors DANFOSS

Pass the most challenging test with our high power pumps and motors – for the toughest demands of the off-highway mobile market. Designed for high and medium power needs. H1 offers higher output speeds, lower input speeds and a reduced total installed lifecycle cost.

Features & Benefits

  • Compact designs offering high power density.
  • Complete family of manual, electric and hydraulic displacement controls and electrical automotive controls.
  • Various motor displacements available in SAE flange, cartridge and DIN ISO flange configuration.

Motor ranges with fixed, 2-position and continuously variable displacement controls, including the zero degree option. Our bent axis motors are designed to complement the growing family of H1 axial piston pumps. Featuring proven 32 degree bent axis technology, zero degree capability and higher overall efficiency, they offer a number of significant advantages. 

Higher Overall Efficiency

H1 motors provide significant improvements in overall efficiency. An optimized valve segment and piston design helps improve fuel economy and frees power for other vehicle functions, enhancing operating performance and increasing productivity. 

Zero Degree Capability

A key feature of the new H1 motors is their zero degree capability. The ability to seamlessly reduce the angle to zero degrees means there is no torque interruption, or sudden change in speed when switching from, for example, work range to travel range. This enhanced control is not only more precise, but also improves the feel of the system during operation.

Zero degree capability enables accurate anti-slip and torque control functions, which increase vehicle productivity and optimize power utilization. It is also possible to provide wheel assist solutions without the need for additional technology. Even true two-speed applications, for example a crop sprayer, can be supported by our H1 motors. 

Additional features include: 

  • Electrical control with IP69 rating
  • Improved starting torque
  • Low speed capability (25 rpm)

The manual controls on our low power units give your design engineer the ultimate freedom to customize operator interfaces. An efficient option for a broad variety of propel and non-propel applications.

Our top priorities are reliability and easy installation when we design closed circuit pumps and motors for low power applications. U-style and inline options separate variable pumps and fixed motors, giving you great engineering flexibility.

Features & Benefits

  • Compact, lightweight design
  • Complete transmission family to meet the needs of the lawn and turf market
  • Variable pumps, inline transmissions, U-style transmissions and fixed motors available
  • High efficiency and low noise levels
  • Axial Piston Motors DANFOSS